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a wondrous medley..

Fyansford is a veritable pot pourri

"... a give-n-take from the past and a mixed platter of the present; all intermingling with the excitement of the future"

Anchor 2

Nature! It's next door...

Anchor 3
Anchor 4
Anchor 5
Anchor 6
For latest news & views on Fyansford
check these websites......
Anchor 7

Different Perspectives

This slide show is in response to Annie O'Shea’s request for a current overview of Fyansford (following-on from her April 3, 2017, posting of an image on Geelong in Historical Pictures ).

Anchor 1
Why not stop and explore Fyansford
next time you are driving through...

What says...


Anchor 8

The Challenge is...

 to find an image

that best represents today's Fyansford 

Perhaps ...

An icon...


a contemporary  landscape...

a recreational focus...

a locality image...

Jo Mitchell

IMG_3245-1 Glowing Edge.jpg

I am so fortunate to be here

in this spot

at this time...

That spot ~ Fyansford.  That time ~ Now

One very small spot

in the huge vastness of time...

IMG_3245-1 Glowing Edge.jpg

Now, for something

more professional

I recommend ...


Where do you live?


Top spot!



Look at this data

Annotation 2019-10-26 071756.jpg


Well, look at this data. It's from the Australian Bureau of Statistics. 


Australian Bureau of Statistics 2006.jpg
Australian Bureau of Statistics 2011.jpg
Australian Bureau of Statistics 2016.jpg

What does it tell us?


Fyansford boundaries have changed...

Number of Fyansfordites is growing.

Anchor 9
The Fyansford Common COVER.jpg
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